Male Patients

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Mercer Internal Medicine, LLC

Guy Nee, MD, FACP     Michael H. Yamane, MD, MPH, FACP

2480 Pennington Road     Suite 104     Pennington, New Jersey    08534

    Tel: (609) 818-1000     Fax: (609) 818-9800






















Health Maintenance Recommendations for Men

Age 18-35

*Blood pressure check each year to screen for signs of hypertension.

*Cholesterol studies to help evaluate your risk for coronary artery disease.

*Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td) booster every 10 years for prevention of tetanus (lockjaw) and diphtheria with added pertussis booster (Tdap) once during adulthood to prevent pertussis (whooping cough).

*Instruction in self testicular examination to facilitate the early detection of testicular cancers.

*Advice will be offered when appropriate on diet, exercise, smoking, and drug or alcohol abuse to help improve your quality of life and to reduce your risk of future illness.

Vaccination with Gardasil should be considered for males up to age 26 for prevention of HPV (human papilloma virus).  This vaccine was originally developed for use in women to prevent cervical cancer which is nearly always the result of HPV infection.  Males should consider getting the Gardasil vaccine to prevent HPV infections for themselves and to reduce the risk of transmission to their partners.  Besides causing cervical cancer in women, HPV is now considered to be a major risk factor for oral and anorectal cancers in both women and men.  Please note that this is an expensive vaccine (about $200 per shot with 3 shots required) and is not always covered by insurance.


Age 36-64

*All of the above plus:

*Stool testing for blood each year for early detection of colorectal tumors.

*Consider blood testing for PSA beginning at age 50 to screen for early signs of prostate cancer.  It should be noted that routine PSA testing is no longer recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  However, special consideration is given to each individual situation to determine the desire for PSA testing.

*Colonoscopy beginning at age 50 then every 5-10 years (depending on risk factors) for early detection of colorectal tumors.  ColoGuard DNA stool analysis to screen for colon cancer and advanced pre-cancerous polyps is recommended every 3 years for average risk patients from age 50 to 85.  ColoGuard is now fully covered by Medicare.  Information about this test is available at

*Electrocardiogram to screen for signs of heart disease and to serve as a reference baseline.

*Complete blood count, blood chemistry panel, lipid analysis, and tests of glucose metabolism for detection of hematologic, liver, kidney, and metabolic disease; repeat labs depending on individual details.

*Influenza vaccination each year for prevention of flu and its complications.


For our patients 60 and over, vaccination with Zostavax can be considered for reducing the chance and severity of shingles (Herpes zoster).  Please note that this is a very expensive vaccine (over $200), is not always covered by insurance, and is only partially protective against shingles.  Please also note that a new more effective shingles vaccine is expected soon from Glaxo Smith Kline.  Patients may want to wait until the new zoster vaccine is available to decide which one offers the greatest value in terms of protection against shingles.


Age 65 and Above

*All of the above plus:

*Pneumovax PPSV23 and Prevnar PCV13 to prevent pneumonia, sinusitis, and meningitis from pneumococcal infections.


These guidelines represent an overview of our general recommendations for health maintenance and disease prevention.  Your special needs for various evaluations will depend upon your personal history, family history, risk factors, and physical findings.  We will tailor a screening protocol to fit your individual health needs.